Monday, March 03, 2008

ok so things on the home front aren't so good... i have a sinusitis (again!) and Charlie has tonsilitis. I didn't go to work today and we spent most of the morning at the clinic. I don't think i'll be going in tomorrow either because he still had a 102 fever before bed tonight. We had a really long night last night, he kept waking up 'cause he was hurting. At 3h30 he decided he wasn't going back to sleep. So i've been up since 3h30 am last night, i was able to take a 1hr nap this afternoon while he slept.

He's getting so good at standing up on his own. he'll stand up not holding onto anything. Yesterday morning he took his first steps! we were in the bathroom and dh was in the shower. Charlie stands up and takes 3 steps, crouches down, stands up again and takes another 3 steps. He hasn't done it since, but it still great!!!

ok so here are my pics of the day for the last week (i haven't been good at taking them everyday, though)

6/30 (feb 28) a very messy scrap space
7/30 (feb 29) this is what happens when you let a 3 yr old dress himself
8/30 (march 01) Charlie standing up all by himself
09/30 (march 2) just a cute picture

1 comment:

MelB said...

They are too cute! Wtg for taking daily pictures, I've been such a slacker! LOL!!! DJ will also put on her stuff backwards when she dressed herself, it's too funny!